Welcome to KBOLTnxt

Welcome to Karvy Branches Online Transaction System. KBOLT is a full featured application for all ISC needs. You can use this to enter mutual fund applications, print account statements, get various reports or just query investor data.

KBOLT has a subscription service for account statements, frequently used reports that enable ISC to setup an auto mail and get the frequently needed information to their desktops at the time they need it.

KBOLT has host of transaction/MIS reports ranging from simple DTR to other complex reports like inflow/outflow report.

KBOLT's online inflow/outflow report empowers AMCs to know the subscription, redemption position at anytime. It's drill down capabilities enable users to get the micro granular information about the underlying transactions.

KBOLT's management console empowers head office executives and account to monitor the nationwide fund/transaction activity.
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